Mon Ami Resource Center

The future of health care has to do with social connection
How community organization San Francisco Village partnered with a local hospital to improve patient outcomes
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Evaluating the Impact of Social Isolation and Loneliness Interventions in Your Community
How the Central Oregon Council on Aging partnered with Mon Ami to assess impact of its loneliness interventions
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Health and social care integration: what does it look like at the local level?
How San Juan County Area Agency on Aging partnered with Mon Ami to integrate with its local hospital referrals process
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How a Meals on Wheels program delivered more than a meal with Community Connections Friendly Calling
Meals on Wheels West's vision is to deliver 'more than a meal.' One way it accomplishes this is through its Community Connections Friendly Calling program to address social isolation and loneliness.
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How Five County AAA partnered with Mon Ami to improve case management workflows
The process and benefits of transitioning from an antiquated or paper-based case management system to a modern technology solution
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How AAA1-B partnered with Mon Ami to deliver a caregiver coaching program
Using Mon Ami's phone integrated technology, AAA1-B delivered a unique phone-based support program to family caregivers.
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How Tennessee modernized its data system to support aging & disability services
State Unit on Aging modernizing its data system for Older Americans Act programs
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How AAAs can partner with health care for Health-Related Social Needs Assessments
Central Ohio AAA partners with Mon Ami to deliver social care for Molina
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How a Pennsylvania AAA launched a senior-specific hotline to help low-tech seniors get registered for COVID vaccines
With such a large proportion of the county’s population at risk of being left behind in the vaccine registration process, the OSS knew there needed to be a way for older adults to access vaccines regardless of their technology fluency.
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How SAGE Connect used technology to scale a telephone reassurance program from 0 to 500+ clients in one year
To provide a response to the urgent issue of social isolation, SAGE launched SAGEConnect, a friendly caller program connecting LGBT elders with volunteers in the community for mutual support.
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Case Study: How community-based organizations in San Francisco used technology to rapidly deploy emergency volunteers for seniors during COVID
How Openhouse, Shanti Project, SF Village, and other CBOs in San Francisco leveraged Mon Ami technology to meet the needs of thousands of seniors at the height of the pandemic, by reducing the time it took to service clients by 83%.
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How a technology platform can help scale evidence-based programs for older adults
How Utah Department of Health and local Area Agencies on Aging improved data capture and reporting, streamlined operations, and saved time through a common technology platform
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