How Five County AAA partnered with Mon Ami to improve case management workflows


Located in southwest Utah, the Five County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) provides case management services across a vast 17,000 square mile region, covering both urban and rural communities. Overseeing multiple programs, including Medicaid waivers, state alternatives, and caregiver respite, Five County has witnessed substantial growth in its 25-year history, accompanied by increasingly complex documentation requirements. This growth and complexity had put a strain on Five County's traditional paper-based case management processes.


Five County's reliance on paper documentation and state and federal data systems created significant challenges for case managers. These outdated methods resulted in:

  • Excessive Paperwork: Case managers were burdened with time-consuming paperwork, leaving less time for direct client interaction.
  • Data Silos: Information was scattered across multiple systems, creating duplication of effort and hindering efficient data analysis.
  • Top-Down Approach: Existing systems prioritized state and federal reporting requirements over the specific workflow needs of Five County's case managers.

The Turning Point

The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath exacerbated existing challenges, highlighting the need for a more efficient and adaptable case management system. Five County recognized that technology held the key to addressing these issues and improving client care.


Seeking a "workflow system, not just a data entry system," Five County partnered with Mon Ami, a technology provider with a deep understanding of the aging services sector. Five County prioritized a system that could streamline processes, reduce paperwork, and empower case managers to focus on client needs. 

Implementation and Results

Five County adopted a phased approach to implementing Mon Ami's technology, starting with its Medicaid waiver program and gradually expanding to other programs. The new system has yielded impressive results, including:

  • Reduced Errors: Standardized HCBS codes and service names within the system have minimized errors in care plans and documentation.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlined workflows, automated service authorizations, and integrated case notes have freed up valuable time for case managers, allowing them to dedicate more time to clients.
  • Improved Provider Collaboration: Secure provider portals have streamlined communication and ensured timely receipt and verification of care plans and service authorizations.
  • Increased Billable Units: The system's user-friendly interface and efficient workflows have contributed to a rise in billable units, maximizing funding opportunities.
  • Data Ownership and Control: By owning its data, Five County can readily generate reports, adapt to evolving regulations, and explore new funding sources.

Lessons Learned

Five County's journey highlights key takeaways for organizations considering technology adoption:

  • Prioritize Workflow: Focus on selecting a system that aligns with your organization's daily operational needs, not just reporting requirements.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Engage staff, providers, and funders throughout the process to ensure buy-in and facilitate a smooth transition.
  • Prioritize Interoperability: Whenever possible, advocate for systems that can integrate with state and federal databases to minimize duplicate data entry.
  • Patience and Persistence: Anticipate a learning curve for staff and providers and provide ongoing support during the transition.

Five County's successful technology implementation serves as a model for aging services agencies nationwide. By embracing technology as a tool for empowerment, Five County has strengthened its commitment to providing high-quality, client-centered care.